Apparel Design

The education programme in Apparel Design offers students to master the garment making process through drawing, sketching, using software capabilities and learning to construct, model and sew. Besides, students get acquainted with the garment sewing technology and acquire skills in style formation.


» Apparel design professionals must be creative and must be able to work in a team. They must be familiar with the entire process, from sketch to presentation of the finished product.


Apparel design specialists work in fashion design, developing new clothing design models or pre-production samples. They know how to draw sketches based on fashion trends and styles, understand proportions and volumes, are familiar with garment construction and modelling and are able to use materials and technologies. In collaboration with other specialists, they design, project and create visually, functionally and technologically justified pre-production samples of apparel design models and take part in their preparation for production. They also engage in the design, organisation and implementation of the work to be performed within a particular project. An apparel design specialist may be an employee working under the supervision of other specialists or a self-employed person in addition to running their own business and functioning as an apparel design creator, maker and consultant. In parallel with professional subjects, students also acquire general education secondary school subjects. Opportunities for further studies are available in Latvian and European design universities and colleges.

Apparel design is an occupation where you should be able to embody the senses. At school, we work with young people, teaching them the whole process from the concept to the finished product.




Rita Piešiņa

Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs (, māksliniece, Latvijas Dizaineru savienības biedre

Izglītības programmas vadītāja


"Apģērbu dizainers ir profesija, kurā jāprot materializēt sajūtas. Skolā tas ir darbs ar jauniešiem, mācot visu procesu no idejas līdz gatavam izstrādājumam."


Profesionālais maģistrs

pedagoģijā (Mg.paed.), 

mākslas pedagoģe


Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs




Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs




Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs

(, dizainere


Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs



Informācija Apģērbu dizaina speciālists /PDF/
Profesionālās izglītības programmas licence /PDF/
Izglītības programmas akreditācijas lapa /PDF/
Programmas pamatdati /PDF/