Design of Ceramics

Our goal is to develop students’ understanding of design as a process and of the way things are created, from the concept sketch to the finished product, to teach them how to sketch and design using the special design and architecture software, and to help them acquire the skills to implement their creative vision not only in ceramics, but also in the material best suited for the design solution.


» It feels wonderful to be able to turn your idea into reality by yourself, the way you want it to be, if you know how to work with the material and if you know what you want to say with your work, using all the opportunities offered by the school!

Crockery, ceramics in architecture, interior and environment, form design. We get to know our archaeological, ethnographic and professional artistic heritage. A high level of technical equipment allows us to work with any ceramic material, applying a wide range of techniques. In order to find the solution that it perfect for bringing the idea to life, works are being created at ceramic plants and also made of plastic, organic glass or polymer-ceramics. We hold creative workshops, implement international projects and collaborate within ceramic processes in Latvia as well as organise exhibitions of students’ works.


Graduates are prepared for further studies in Art, Design or Architecture, including those abroad. They can try their hand in the labour market, working with ceramic materials and form design. The international design forums show that ceramics offers a lot of opportunities and has a wide range of uses, while the demand for ceramic design is growing rapidly.

The Ceramics Department has ambitious plans for the future, an interesting and fulfilled today, and ancient and traditions-rich history. The Department has always been and continues to be a place for talented, enthusiastic young students who successfully implement their creative ideas and are able to make their life creative and full of events and discoveries.


Esmeralda Purvišķe

Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs (, dizainere
Izglītības programmas vadītāja


"Keramikas nodaļai ir ambiciozi plāni nākotnē, interesanta un piepildīta šodiena, sena un tradīcijām bagāta vēsture. Nodaļā vienmēr ir mācījušies un arī mācās talantīgi, aizrautīgi jauni cilvēki, kuri veiksmīgi īsteno savas radošās ieceres, spēj veidot savu dzīvi radošu, notikumiem un atklājumiem bagātu."


Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs

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Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs

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