The objective of the education programme in Metalwork Design could be formulated as follows: "To target the learning experience in such a way as to build understanding of the nature of the design and the process, during which the product is being created and developed. To learn to understand how things come to life, from the first sketch, layout and design to the finished work. To reveal all the mysterious, beautiful and eternal which the metal as a material conceals through experience, searches and findings."
» Students can come and try to discover the wide range of the inexhaustible opportunities for expression that the metal offers and its usability in the contemporary design. Metal is noble and beautiful not only because it shines among other materials, but also because the whole world is reflected in it. The world which we are bound to make more beautiful!
Fine fashion jewellery design and cutlery design, lighting design solutions, design indoors and in urban environment. Students acquire knowledge and practical skills in working with a variety of metals, from non-ferrous and rare metals to precious ones like silver and gold. Today’s technology is developing rapidly and dynamically. Alongside traditional techniques, students learn to use metals in combination with other materials, both natural such as wood, glass and stone, and modern composites, plastics, polymers, etc. During the first years of study, students learn a variety of artisanal skills such as cutting, forging, soldering, polishing and so on. Students try their hand at metalwork in the school workshops at 55 Lāčplēša Street, but starting from the third year, they get acquainted with new metalworking technologies, undertaking curricular practical training in metal design companies, design offices and private art studios. This can be well seen during the qualification work placement in year 4, when students often carry out their work as project managers, managing all the work processes, from the concept and layout until the ready product in one of the production workshops of our partner company. This education opens up a whole spectrum of professional possibilities for the graduates: they can build their own business and establish themselves as young entrepreneurs or manage metal design projects in a production company. Finally, they can fulfil themselves creatively, working independently in fashion jewellery design or metal art. Graduates have every opportunity for further studies in Design, Architecture or Art in one of the universities or colleges.

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