Woodwork Design

Woodwork design specialists fulfil part of the interior designer’s responsibilities and tasks in the field of the artistic design of various items and objects. In collaboration with other specialists, they design, project and create visually, technologically and functionally justified item designs and pre-production samples as well as take part in the preparation of pre-production samples for production. Woodwork design specialists are employed in companies to perform the artistic design, manufacture and consulting functions in regard to various items and objects.


» Furniture design combines a modern form with a stable structure, creating comfortable and practical furniture.


Clever solutions in the component connections and the choice of materials. Possibility to create interior design objects and small architectural forms for the urban environment.

Woodcraft traditions in Latvia date back to very old times, and it is our duty to take care of the continuation of these traditions. Wood is one of our natural resources, which is exported in large quantities to foreign countries as round timber or sawn timber. It is the duty of every designer to create outstanding designs so that the design objects developed by us get the maximum added value.


Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs (Mg.art.), dizainers

Izglītības programmas vadītājs


"Koka amatniecības tradīcijas Latvijā ir ļoti senas, un mūsu pienākums ir rūpēties par šo tradīciju turpināšanu. Koks ir viens no mūsu dabas resursiem, kas lielos apjomos tiek eksportēts uz ārvalstīm kā apaļkoks vai zāģmateriāls, tas ir katra dizainera pienākums veidot izcilus dizaina paraugus, lai mūsu izstrādātie dizaina priekšmeti iegūtu maksimālo pievienoto vērtību."


Humanitāro zinātņu

maģistrs (Mg.art.)


Humanitāro zinātņu

maģistrs (Mg.art.)


Inženierzinātņu bakalaurs


Informācija Materiālu dizaina speciālists /PDF/
Profesionālās izglītības programmas licence /PDF/
Izglītības programmas akreditācijas lapa /PDF/
Programmas pamatdati /PDF/