Advertising Design

The students pursuing the education programme in Advertising Design learn graphic design, create visual concepts, draw, sketch and use software capabilities to create competitive ideas for advertising. By using composition regularities, visual means of expression and graphic language, they also create the graphic identity of the image, logo design, poster design and exhibition decoration design.


» An advertising designer must be creative, friendly, open and able to work in a team. It is essential to have a sense of time schedule, because design is also subject to deadlines.


Graphic design is an important sales and marketing tool; therefore, visual advertising designers should be able to cooperate with other professionals in the field of public relations and marketing. To stay competitive, it is important to keep up with the trends in graphic design, master advertising for print media, develop graphic identity and logo design, and create moving advertisements and animations. In parallel with professional subjects, students also acquire general education secondary school subjects. Opportunities for further studies are available in Latvian and European design universities and colleges, while employment is available in advertising agencies and design offices.

You must think outside the box and use design as a tool for social change, while keeping up with the latest trends. Creative thinking and abilities should be based on manual dexterity. You must be able to draw well, learn a variety of techniques and use the computer in the same way as you use scissors, a knife, a pencil and a rubber.

Ruta Linīte

Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs (, māksliniece, Latvijas Mākslinieku savienības biedre
Izglītības programmas vadītāja

"Jāprot domāt ārpus tradicionālām robežām, izmantot dizainu kā līdzekli sociālām pārmaiņām, sekot līdzi jaunākajām tendencēm. Radošā domāšana un varēšana jābalsta uz veiklu roku, jāprot labi skicēt, jāapgūst dažādi tehniski paņēmieni un "dators" jāizmanto tāpat kā izmantojam šķēres, nazi, zīmuli un dzēšgumiju."



Humanitāro zinātņu

maģistrs (

Dizainere, zīmolvede


Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs



Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs




Humanitāro zinātņu

maģistrs (



Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs

(Mg.arch.), arhitekts,

Latvijas Dizaineru

savienības biedrs




Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs

(, mākslinieks


Informācija Vizuālās reklāmas dizaina speciālists /PDF/
Profesionālās izglītības programmas licence /PDF/
Profesionālās izglītības programmas licence pēc vidusskolas /PDF/
Programmas pamatdati /PDF/
Programmas pamatdati_pēc vidusskolas /PDF/